Caring For Those Who Care Toolkit
Publish date: March 2021Source: Diverse Elders Coalition
Topics: Caregiving

This toolkit offers topline information on what providers need to know, and key pieces from the comprehensive training curriculum, Caring For Those Who Care: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers. Whether you’ve already attended one or more Diverse Elders Coalition training, or this is your first time looking into what’s available to help you support diverse family caregivers, you’ll find these resources to be invaluable in building a more welcoming, supportive practice.
The Caring For Those Who Care: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers Curriculum, as well as this toolkit, were created by the 6 members of the Diverse Elders Coalition, with generous funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation. Based in New York City, The John A. Hartford Foundation is a private, nonpartisan philanthropy dedicated to improving the care of older adults. Established in 1929, the Foundation has three priority areas: creating age-friendly health systems, supporting family caregiving, and improving serious illness and end-of-life care. For more information, visit and follow @johnahartford.