Tips to Find Housing for LGBTQ Older Adults

For any older adult, finding a place to live is a hard process. They have to consider things like cost, proximity to family, and transportation access. For LGBTQ adults, it gets even more complicated. They also have to consider state laws and regulations, community support, and access to healthcare providers with LGBTQ experience.

In fact, more than 3 in 10 adults who identify as LGBTQ have concerns about finding housing as they age. And over half of LGBTQ adults are worried about housing discrimination in the future.

Thankfully, affordable housing options for LGBTQ older adults are continuing to grow in the U.S. To help decide, it’s good to know what to look for when choosing the best place for you. [..]

Click here to read the full piece. This story was originally published by TODAY on July 6, 2023.