Former student works to advance health equity for older adults

In 2022, I graduated from WashU’s Brown School of Social Work, where I studied Older Adults and Aging Societies and completed the Research Specialization. During school, I worked as a research assistant at the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging and served as a practicum student for SAGE. I have recently returned to SAGE as the Research and Data Coordinator in their new Center of Excellence.

SAGE is a national organization that advocates for LGBTQ+ older adults on a national level, provides credentialling and training in LGBTQ+ aging, and offers services directly in New York City and Florida. The Center of Excellence was formed to advocate for the visibility of LGBTQ+ older adults in research and for more widespread sexual orientation and gender identity collection, and to build a body of research on LGBTQ+ older adults. The Center also strives to support equity in the field by transferring resources and knowledge to historically marginalized groups. […]

Click here to read the full piece. This story was originally published by Washington University in St. Louis on November 2, 2023. 

Banner with the words "SAGE x HearMe" on a yellow background with a Black older woman texting on a cellphone. Other text includes "be yourself. we'll listen."