How builders can help lead the way on affordable housing for LGBTQ+ elders

Despite major advancements in LGBTQ+ rights, LGBTQ+ elders still face significantly higher rates of housing discrimination than their non-LGBTQ+ counterparts.

According to an Equal Rights Center study, nearly half of older same-sex couples seeking elder housing are either outright denied due to bias, or are made to feel unwelcome based on their identity.

The result? Discrimination puts LGBTQ+ elders at greater risk for chronic health problems, social isolation, poverty and premature mortality.

That’s why the SAGE started the National LGBTQ+ Housing Initiative (NHI): to make safe, affordable and LGBTQ+-affirming housing easier to find for those who need it.

By fostering collaboration and partnerships between communities and compassionate builders, developers and property managers, the NHI is helping promote and facilitate the construction of more inclusive and affirming homes for LGBTQ+ elders.  […]

Click here to read the full piece. This story was originally published by Smart Cities Dive on October 30, 2023.