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Breaking the Silence: Combating HIV Stigma Together

By Terri L. Wilder Each year, the world recognizes Zero HIV Stigma Day on July 21 to commemorate the birthday of activist Prudence Mabele. In 1992, Mabele became the first woman in South Africa to disclose her HIV status. This […]

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‘It Should Be Like Taking Your Temperature’: Getting Tested for HIV Is Self-Care

A Q&A about HIV testing with LGBTQ+ elder Jeff Weinstein Since 1995, National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is recognized annually on June 27. According to, the purpose of NHTD is to raise awareness about HIV and encourage people to […]

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Join SAGE at a Pride event this June!

SAGE will be at all these fabulous Pride events throughout the month of June – we hope to see you there, too!   This list will be updated as new events are added, so be sure to check back often.  […]

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Celebrating International Asexuality Day: There is Power in Knowing and Accepting Who You Are

I always had a feeling that I was different from most people. It wasn’t until four years ago, though, that I realized it’s because I’m asexual.  Last year, it dawned on me how it took me such a long time […]

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Storytelling Highlights the Lives of LGBTIQ+ Elders Around the World

SAGE is investing in international work through several new programs and initiatives. At the heart of this work is a commitment to centering the lived experience of LGBTIQ+ elders themselves. One way SAGE has done this is through collecting and […]

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Your 2023 SAGE Wrapped Is Ready!

We hope everyone had a joyful holiday season and Happy New Year! As we welcome 2024, now is a perfect time to reflect on the past year and its milestones. Here at SAGE, 2023 was a truly incredible year.   In […]

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