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Our community is built on caring for one another. From discreetly sharing healthcare resources in bars to being full-time caregivers for our friends, we show up for each other when no one else will. We persevered through some of the […]

Meert long-time SAGE volunteer Peter Pagano. He has served our mission and members since 2016! Thank you for your commitment to our elders, Peter. 1. Tell us about yourself (name, pronouns, where you’re from, a bit about who you are […]

SAGE is saddened to share the recent passing of Ruby Juster earlier this month. Ruby was a beloved community member, and she uplifted our community in so many ways. She served as a SAGE Board Member and SAGE representative on […]

At SAGE, we refuse to sit quietly while LGBTQ+ elders—and millions of Americans—are put at risk. That’s why we joined Democracy Forward and a coalition of nonprofits to challenge the Trump administration’s attempt to freeze federal grants and loans. This […]

Meet Patrick LaVergne (he/him), one of SAGE’s incredible volunteers! Patrick joined SAGE last summer in 2024. You may have seen him in the kitchen at our Edie Windsor SAGE Center preparing meals for celebratory events like the “Pride Party” and […]

As of January 23, LGBTQ+ and HIV resources have been deleted from several federal websites including the White House, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. Other terms […]