Learn How to Provide LGBTQ+ Programming for Older Adults

 In: Announcements

LGBT_programming_for_OlderAdults-1SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging has trained thousands of service providers on how to create LGBTQ+ welcoming and inclusive spaces. Offering programs that address the needs and interests of LGBTQ+ older people is one concrete step that service providers can take to create welcoming, safe and LGBTQ+-affirming spaces, where all LGBTQ+ older adults can be their authentic selves, just like their peers. Many of those trained providers are excited by developing programming about and for LGBTQ+ seniors but are not sure how to go about doing so. In response, we developed the turnkey toolkit: LGBTQ+ Programming For Older Adults: A Practical Step-By-Step Guide.

In an effort to make this a usable tool with concrete and action-oriented steps, we focused on finding a program that could be developed without straining resources, and that can be approachable to many senior audiences. So, the guide was created in consultation with organizations around the U.S. that serve LGBTQ+ older adults, and walks providers through the steps to launch a movie viewing and discussion centered on LGBTQ+ aging themes. This program is simple to organize, and can be an important step toward a number of goals, including welcoming LGBTQ+ older adults to senior service organizations; creating a safe space for the LGBTQ+ older adults who are already using those organizations to identify themselves and more fully integrate; and fostering an agency-wide culture of openness and acceptance.

Creating great LGBTQ+-inclusive programming is one exciting step toward a fully-inclusive agency! Download or request your copy today!
