Highlighting our National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

 In: Announcements

InsluciveservicesguideSAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging created the Inclusive Services for LGBTQ+ Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies after hearing from trainers and providers across the country that they needed a take-home tool to help them to take steps toward creating completely LGBTQ+-inclusive organizations.  In order to develop the guide to providers’ needs most exhaustively, we wrote and disseminated a survey to service providers who had evidenced success in creating LGBTQ+-welcoming services. From their survey responses and from SAGE’s expertise, we drafted the content, including quotes from actual providers in the field.

The guide lists several concrete steps in each section to be sure to give providers the tools they need. An astounding 12,000+ copies have been distributed in hard copy and downloaded from our website to date!

The overall topics that are covered include:

  • Using proper terminology
  • Making good first impressions
  • Offering inclusive programs
  • Being trans-competent
  • Staff training and ongoing performance evaluation

Be sure to like the National Resource Center on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for great LGBTQ+ aging news and updates!

