Linda E. Scott (She/Her)

Linda E. Scott (She/Her),

Linda Scott is the former Secretary and Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee for the SAGE Board of Directors. She has 20 years of experience in global corporate governance, proxy voting, and engagement. She is a Managing Director and Associate Corporate Secretary at JPMorgan Chase & Co., where she is responsible for outreach to shareholders on corporate governance policies and practices.

Scott engages with institutional investors, proxy advisory firms, and governance thought leaders. She advises the JPMorgan Chase Board on current and emerging governance issues, recommends governance matters for consideration, and facilitates communication between the Board of Directors and the activist investor community. She is also responsible for all logistics for the Board of Directors meetings.

Previously, she was Managing Director of Governance for Owners, responsible for the firm’s stewardship service program. The program operated from three international offices, providing proxy voting and engagement services on behalf of global investor clients.

She has also served as Director of Corporate Governance at TIAA-CREF and Director of Investor Affairs at the New York State Common Retirement Fund. In these positions, she addressed a variety of governance, environmental and social issues that impact the economic value of long-term investments. Scott also served as Assistant Director of Communications for the New York State Comptroller. She is Chair of the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) Institute and past Treasurer of the Council of Institutional Investors. She is active in New York City civic affairs and has served on the boards of several nonprofit organizations, including Care for the Homeless and the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone.

She received an M.A. from Yale University and a B.A. from Trinity College (Hartford).

Elliott Sernel, SAGE Board of Directors